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SFSCI Certification Program

The first qualification you can undertake as a member of STARFLEET Sciences is your Intro to Sciences certifications.  These courses will introduce you to the core three science institutes at STARFLEET Academy.

Introduction to Planetary Sciences (training record – WORD)
Introduction to Space Sciences (training record – WORD)
Introduction to Technological Sciences (training record – WORD)

Be a registered member of STARFLEET Sciences.  In order to start the Specialty Program, all three “Intro to” courses must be completed.
Please submit your training record (along with any supporting evidence: certificates, database screenshots) via the Training Submission Form

You will be issued a certificate for each course and it will be entered into the SFI database.
After you complete your SFSCI certification, you may want to explore the STARFLEET Science Specialty Training Program.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact SFSCI Education Staff via
Disclaimer: This STARFLEET Science program is entirely fictitious and created for entertainment purposes only. It is not associated with any recognised or accredited institution, organization, or governing body. It does not represent any legitimate qualifications or certifications and does not grant any authority, expertise, or credibility in any real-world setting.