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Web Resources

Click on the links below for real-world science pages. The web is always expanding. If you know of a page that isn’t listed below, I’d be happy to add it if you send me the url (thank you Alan Anderton and Dave Klingman!).


Aeronautics and Astronautics
Fortean Research and Unexplained Phenomena
Geology and Geophysics
History of Science
Media and Science
National Aeronatics and Space Administration
Science Internet Radio
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Space Exploration
Superluminal Travel and Time Travel
Links to other groups’ indices:CSIRO Double Helix

Aeronautics and AstronauticsAnthropology/ArchaeologyAstronomy



Education and Learning Centers

  • Alliance for Science
    • The Alliance for Science is a new organization of scientists, scientific groups and supporters, including thousands of Christians. The mission of the Alliance for Science is to heighten public understanding and support for science and to preserve the distinctions between science and religion in the public sphere.
  • Science Friday
    • Science Friday, provided in part by the National Science Foundation and the Sloan Foundation “is a weekly science talk show, broadcast live over public radio stations nationwide from 2-4 pm Eastern time as part of NPR’s ‘Talk of the Nation’ programming. Each week, we focus on science topics that are in the news and try to bring an educated, balanced discussion to bear on the scientific issues at hand. Panels of expert guests join Science Friday’s host, Ira Flatow, a veteran science journalist, to discuss science – and to take questions from listeners during the call-in portion of the program.”
    • Science Friday web site:
    • Find A Radio Station
    • Podcasts
    • XML RSS Feed
    • NPR’s Transcripts
    • Archives
    • Join Email List
  • Café Scientifique
    • Colorado Café Scientifique in Denver
      • “The Café Scientifique idea started in England a few years ago, based on the French Café Philosophique. In the Café Scientifique, people (often science buffs) come together in a friendly pub after work and hear an informal introduction to an interesting current scientific topic, led by an expert. We take a short break for refreshments, to meet new people, and chat, and then we return for questions and answers and general discussion. All questions and comments are welcome, as this isn’t a seminar, it’s a chance for all of us to express an opinion, expert or otherwise.”
    • Café Scientifique, Great Britain
      • Café Scientifique is a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology. Meetings take place in cafes, bars, restaurants and even theatres, but always outside a traditional academic context. Café Scientifique is a forum for debating science issues, not a shop window for science. We are committed to promoting public engagement with science and to making science accountable.
    • Science On Tap, Seattle, WA — “A place to eat, drink, and talk about science”.
      • Science on Tap is a place where anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology in a relaxed atmosphere. A forum for discussing science issues with local scientists, Science on Tap is based on Cafe Scientifique. We are committed to promoting public engagement with science and to making science accessible.
  • Design Science Lab
    • The Design Science Lab develops solutions to global and local problems. It does this through a design and planning methodology often referred to as design science. This methodology is inspired by the work of R. Buckminster Fuller, the late 20th century inventor, philosopher, and designer. At its core, the Design Science Lab recognizes the profound contribution ‘ordinary’ citizens can make toward solving our most pressing local, regional and global problems. It engages participants in the development of real-world solutions to the major challenges facing the planet. Using present day technology and known resources, participants develop affordable solutions to local, regional, and global problems. Through direct experience, participants come to understand that individual initiative can and indeed must make a difference in creating a better world.
  • – Google Scholar is intended as a first stop for researchers looking for scholarly literature like peer-reviewed papers, books, abstracts and technical reports.
  • Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences
  • Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) — Nutrition Action newsletter
  • Einstein Archives Online — Collected Works of Albert Einstein
  • Discovery Place/Kelly Space Voyager Planetarium (Charlotte, NC)
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • University of Oregon Department of Physics – Astronomy
  • University of Oregon Department of Physics – Educational Outreach Server
  • NASA’s Astro-Venture — Designing Habitable Planets

English-Metric Conversion Formulae

Environment and Environmental Groups


Fortean Research and Unexplained Phenomena

Geology and Geophysics

History of Science

Media and Science



National Aeronatics and Space Administration



Science Internet Radio

(Thanks to Alan Anderton for the following Science Internet Radio info!)

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Space Exploration

Superluminal Travel and Time Travel