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FCPT Barb Barton (Director):

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Who may join STARFLEET Sciences?


Any member of STARFLEET International who is in good standing in the organization with an interest and/or expertise in the things we do can join!
To join STARFLEET International simply sign up via this link:  

Joining STARFLEET Sciences

Thank you for your interest in joining STARFLEET Sciences.  This is a two first step process; first please complete this form:

STARFLEET Sciences Join Form

"*" indicates required fields

Do you give us permission to add you to our contacts list as a member of our established service? (Reminder: You will not be allowed to contribute to fleet level discussions, postings, nor invited to the Discord channel without consent. However, you can contribute to region and chapter level discussions).*
Would you be interested in applying as a staff member?*
I acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age or older and attest to the trustworthiness of my application.*

Next, please update your affiliations in the STARFLEET International database.

To do this you need to log into the database using your username and password. 

Once there, click on Affiliation status and put tick the box that says Active  as illustrated in the image below:
